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PRGF Treatment

Thanks to advances in regenerative medicine, it is now possible to use your own body to regenerate itself by means of the platelets found in your blood plasma which, for example, heal your wounds.

The PRGF®-Endoret® technique isolates, concentrates and extracts “growth factors” from your own blood to repair and rejuvenate your skin naturally. Following the initial 3-month course of treatment, the use of your own growth factors will result in a natural regeneration that does not change your facial expressions



* ​100% Autologous (i.e. you provide and receive your own growth factors)
* No external additives
* Increased skin consistency
* Wrinkle reduction
* Higher hydration and freshness sensation in the face
* Increased brightness and luminosity
* No facial expression changes
* Bio-stimulation of the areas treated
* Compatible with other aesthetic treatments

How many treatments will I need?

Each treatment plan will be tailored to meet the need of the individual.  As such, the number of treatments will vary as will the length of each treatment.

​On average, it can take around 3-6 sessions to complete a full course of treatments. This intensive plan begins with treatments over 4 week intervals, then they grow more spaced out over time. Once treatment is complete, it may be recommended you return occasionally for long-term maintenance of your results.


What results can I expect from mesotherapy?

Besides the immediate cessation of hair loss, you can expect new hair growth along your existing hair line as well as hair that is denser, healthier and has an improved texture.​


What areas are targeted by the treatment?

These treatments directly target the hair and scalp, primarily at the point where the tissues of skin are found and where follicle growth can be boosted.


​How long does mesotherapy take?

The length of your treatment will depend largely on your individually tailored treatment plan. On average, you should expect the full treatment to take a minimum of 30 minutes, but your doctor can help you answer this question with more specificity after your consultation. Regardless, after the treatment, you can get back to daily life, including the workplace, immediately.​


Is mesotherapy painful?

Due to differences in scalp sensitivity, the answer this question is highly subjective. To some patients, it may feel no more uncomfortable than a firm, hot massage but others may experience pain as a result. For the latter, we can use a topical anaesthetic to numb the area and reduce the sensation of pain, though you may still feel some pressure during the treatment.​ 


What is the treatment like?

This is a treatment where we draw your blood, and by a special centrifuge we are extracting your plasma full of growth factors and stem cells. As soon as 10 minutes after drawing your blood, we inject that plasma like a mesotherapy treatment in the entire face, décolleté, neck and hands, through the thin needles. The treatment is pain-free and fast, and apart from the slight facial redness that lasts 24 hours, there are no side-effects. 3 treatments are needed in one-month intervals. The treatment is completely natural, because we inject only your, specially prepared plasma, and that way we literally push the hands on your skin clock backwards. A nice example is the skin damaged from the sun rays, because the scientific research shows that plasma treatments “repair” all the damage and take the skin back to the condition it had when it was much younger.


Can it be used for something else and Why PRGF technology precisely, and not some other?

​There is a reason why the best soccer clubs and sports stars, basketball players and tennis players, use precisely the PRGF-Endoret technology in the applications, such as for the knee and ligament injuries.

Among the most famous, we just name a few: Rafael Nadal, Cristiano Ronaldo, and soccer clubs such as Real Madrid and Chelsea.

Our plasma contains proteins that have a biological activity of stimulation and acceleration of the tissue regeneration. Whenever we suffer an injury, our body sends proteins to that area and stimulates the process that helps in renewal of the damaged tissues.

The same process can be applied also to the skin, because such treatment can help in skin regeneration and reduction of wrinkles adding the real collagen and slowly releasing the nutrients and proteins into the skin, and therefore reduce the skin ageing time, and at the same time repair the damage that has already been done.

​The treatment with PRGF will be tailored to meet each patient’s individual needs following an assessment and an in-depth discussion with Dr Stolte, at Medfacials in Truro, Cornwall.  As such, the length of treatment and number of recommended treatments will vary but most patients who follow our treatment plan will notice an improvement of their condition within 1-2 months.

Are there any mesotherapy side effects?

Mesotherapy is a completely safe treatment, with no known long-term side effects. You may experience some swelling or bruising, but this will ease over time. Complications can cause folliculitis, but we prevent this by ensuring aseptic conditions for the entirety of the treatment.


​Who can benefit from mesotherapy treatment?

This treatment can help anyone who suffers the effects of hair loss, but results can vary from person to person. Mesotherapy is best recommended for those who suffer from hereditary hair loss or thinning, while others may benefit from treatments that address hormonal imbalances or changes to lifestyle factors like diet and stress.


How long should mesotherapy recovery time take?

Patients can return to their normal activities immediately after their treatment; some mild swelling and bruising may occur but tend to dissipate within a week of the treatment.


How often should I get treatments done?

In order to keep your results for as long as possible, it is recommended that you return for repeat mesotherapy treatments every 2-3 months. Over time, repeat treatments can lead to even more effective stimulation of hair growth.

If you would like to discuss this treatment in more depth with Dr Stolte, please contact us at the clinic for a free consultation.

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