IPL Treatments

IPL (Intense Pulse Light) uses multiple wavelengths of light to treat hyper-pigmentation, thread-veins, acne and acne scarring and broken capillaries. It can also be used in hair removal on the face and body.

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IPL Treatments

The ideal treatment for

*Sun damage
*Thread veins or broken blood vessels on the face
*Acne and acne scarring
*Removal of hair from your face, neck, and back, chest, underarms, legs and bikini line

What do I need to do next?

Please book an initial patch test where Dr Stolte will be able to advise you on what you can expect from IPL. Each treatment plan will be bespoke to your needs. Hair removal requires a minimum of 4 treatments following an initial patch test.

Initial patch test £25 (5 minutes)

IPL treatment from £79 per session (from 10 minutes)


What can IPL be used for?

IPL can be safely used all over the body (apart from directly around the delicate eye area) and can be used for:

* Treatment for hyperpigmentation
* Photo rejuvenation (i.e. the treatment of sun damaged skin)
* Hair removal
* Thread vein removal
* Acne treatment
* Acne scar treatment
* It can also be used in hair removal on the face and body.

How does IPL work?

IPL works in the same way as laser hair removal; wavelengths of light are use to treat and remove unwanted hair, pigmented lesions and broken capillaries by breaking the specific structure down.
For successful hair removal, the hair needs to be in the active phase of growth (the anagen phase), meaning tat the follicles contain larger amounts of melanin. The light emitted by the IPL device is absorbed by the melanin, causing a heat response which breaks down the structure.Only about 30% of hairs are in the anagen phase at any one time, therefore a course of treatments are required to see a permanent reduction in hair.

How does IPL work?

IPL is suitable for most skin types. For hair removal, it is more effective on darker hair and whilst it is safe to use anwhere on the body (aside from directly around the eye area), it works best on smooth areas.
Before your procedure, Dr Stolte or one of his team members will examine your skin and discuss what you can expect from your treatment. They may suggest you avoid certain activities, medications or products and discuss any skin concerns that might affect your healing.

What do I need to do before I have IPL?

A patch test is required to test for skin sensitivity prior to your first session.
Before your treatment, it is recommended that you:

* Limit exposure to sunbeds (UV exposure) for 4 weeks prior to the treatment and during your treatment period.
* Avoid waxing, plucking or threading the area before and / or between IPL treatments (shaving and depilatory creams are fine).
* Avoid bleaching creams or perfumed products (e.g. aromatherapy oils) for 24 – 48 hrs before treatment sessions.
* Avoid swimming in strongly chlorinated water immediately before or after your session.
* Avoid intense exfoliation, microdermabrasion or peels for 1 week before treatment session.
* Avoid wearing tight clothing when attending treatment sessions especially for bikini treatments to help keep the treated area clean, dry and cool.
* Drink plenty of water.
* Always use an SPF before and after your IPL sessions.



What can I expect after my treatment?

You will be able to return to normal duties immediately after your session; the treated area will be red and sensitive (akin to sunburn) and there might be some mild swelling.Your skin will be sensitive for a few days after the procedure and you may experience continued redness (Erythema) for 24-48 hours which is completely normal.It is advisable to wash the area with cooler water and you should avoid saunas and steam rooms and swimming in strongly chlorinated water.In the first 48 hours, do not use bleaching creams or perfumed products.Do not shave the area for 72 hours and do not exfoliate or use peels on the area for 1 week.Use a good SPF for at least 2 weeks after treatment and limit sun exposure for at least six weeks.

Why will I need multiple sessions?

You may need multiple sessions depending on the skin complaint you are looking to fix. We are happy to chat about this during your initial consultation so you are completely happy with the results you can expect to see.
In hair removal, in order to remove hair effectively the hair needs to be in the active phase of growth, called the anagen phase. Hairs in this phase of growth contain the most melanin and are still attached to the dermal papilla which provides a food source for the production of new hair. Light absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle is heated until the proteins break down and the dermal papilla is destroyed preventing the hair from growing back. Only about 30% of hairs are in the anagen phase at any one time, therefore a course of treatments are required to see a permanent reduction in hair.

What is the difference between IPL and laser in hair removal?

IPL works in a similar way to a laser; however laser uses just one wavelength of light as opposed to the multiple wavelengths used in IPL. IPL is less focused and so reaches the dermis (second layer of the skin), leaving the epidermis (top layer) unharmed, causing less damage to a skin than a laser might.
Both treatments last about the same length of time, but as laser is more targeted, it can be more expensive than IPL, although you may need fewer treatments.

How many treatments will I need and how much will it cost?

You will need to start with an initial skin patch test which will cost £25.
Further treatments start from £79 per session. For hair removal, you will usually require between 4 and 8 sessions depending on the area and your skin type.
Dr Stolte will be able to advise you on the number of treatments for your specific skin’s needs following on from your initial consultation. Finance options are available too.

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