MEDfacials Blog - What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal Fillers, what are they?

As we age, we lose volume in our skin due to falling collagen levels.  This can lead to fine lines, deep wrinkles, sagging jawline and lines which run from our mouths to our chins (so-called ‘Marionette lines’)

Dermal fillers help: 

  • restore volume
  • smooth the skin
  • restoring lost hydration
  • improving structure and texture.

What are dermal fillers made of?

Dermal fillers are made from a product called Hyaluronic acid. It is a naturally occurring sugar that exists in almost all living organisms. Its key role is to absorb water and transports nutrients to the skin ensuring that the structure and volume is maintained.

How long until I can see the benefits?

The beauty of this product is that the effects are noticeable immediately after the procedure. These effects are long-lasting, non-permanent and reversible. Because of this, most of our patients will return for a top-up every 6-12 months or so.

Are there any side effects?

Most reactions are generally minimal and temporary. You should expect some swelling and you may have some slight bruising however these reactions are expected to settle down within a couple of days. All other rare, although possible side effects can be found within the patient information leaflet which comes with the product. Please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to give this to you. 

If you are concerned or feel you are having a reaction please do not hesitate to contact us or your GP.

What to expect on the day.

Before the treatment any makeup will be removed and the area will be cleansed. We will use a topical anaesthetic on the injection sites. The product is placed using a cannula which helps to keep swelling and bruising to a minimum. You should only experience a small amount of discomfort during the treatment. However, if you are sensitive we can use a local anaesthetic although in most cases this is not necessary.

The treatment itself can take up to 30 minutes depending on what area is being treated.


After having your treatment you are advised to avoid any rubbing of the area and to avoid any beauty treatments e.g. facial massage, Saunas and extreme temperatures for up to 2 weeks. You will be invited to attend a review appointment 3 weeks later for any adjusting that may be necessary.


1. Raspaldo H. J Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, 2008; 10:134-142 

2. Eccleston D, Murphy DK, Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2012;5:167-172. 

3. Ogilvie P et al. Poster presentation at Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress (AMWC), Monte Carlo, Monaco; 2018.

4. Allergan Data on File INT/0297/2017. JUVÉDERM® VOLITETM Clinical Study (V12-001), 9 months topline summary. Apr 2017.

Written By: Dr Joachim Stolte

May 18, 2020

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