MEDfacials Blog - How do I submit a Testimonial?

Find out our Terms and Conditions for submitting testimonials.

We are excited that you’re interested in sharing video content with us.  Please check our terms before you upload your video to us:


Please film your video in Landscape

Tell us what you love about our:

  • Treatments
  • Products
  • Customer Services

And don’t forget to Be Yourself!

We can’t wait to see your videos!


  1. You are assigning us the absolute rights to use your video in perpetuity in our marketing (whether it be on the website or on our social media sites)
  2. By giving us permission you are guaranteeing that the content is your own and that you have full permission to share.
  3. You are over 18.
  4. Nothing in your video will infringe the copyright or any other right of any third party.
  5. We can’t guarantee that we will use your contribution and we’re under no obligation to do so.
  6. We reserve the right to edit, change or alter your content as deemed necessary.
  7. When you have submitted your video to either our Facebook Page or by emailing to MEDfacials, we will ask you to confirm that you have read these terms and to reply with a YES or similar statement.

Written By: Dr Joachim Stolte

October 4, 2019

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