MEDfacials Hair Treatments
At MEDfacials we specialise in hairloss and hair reduction treatments. We offer a Free Consultation at which we can assess which treatment is right for you. Find out more by reading below.
MEDfacials - Hair Treatments
Having a ‘good hair day’ is a popular way to convey how you’re feeling about yourself and life in general. It’s not always that straightforward is it. Some of us have more hair that we’d like and others have lost hair.
Hair Rejuvenation Treatment
Hairloss can cause loss of confidence in men and women alike.
Dr Stolte offers a tailored, doctor-led approach to help support those with hair concerns. MEDfacials offers mesotherapy, PRP and medications where necessary.
Book a Free Consultation to find out which treatment is right for you.
Laser Hair Removal
Achieve maximum results in laser hair removal, no more waxing or shaving required. The ENEKA PRO innovative technology allows the best results from the first session, maximising the safety and effectiveness of the treatment on all skin phototypes.
Eneka is the worlds most powerful diode laser for hair removal guaranteeing best results. The ENEKA PRO permanently eliminates thinner and less pigmented hair. It is equally effective with residual hair in the last sessions.
Exosomes Treatment
Exosomes are small extracellular vesicles that play a vital role in cell-to-cell communication.
They contain high amounts of proteins, growth factors as well as anti-inflammatory and immune modulators. They have been studied for many years for their potential therapeutic applications in various medical fields, including restorative and regenerative medicine.
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